Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. Coco Chanel

Thursday, August 18, 2011


If you are married and your husband admits to cheating on you after you find out that he may have a baby on the way should you stay with him??? Also should you admit that you have cheated before as well or would you take it to the grave????Just curious!!!


  1. If your husband has cheated on you this early in the relationship/marriage it will happen again. He's not satisfied within the relationship. So instead of communicating with you how he feels , he prefer to go somewhere else. That says a lot about his character. Do not make excuse for him. He may have a great job , beautiful smile but he totally disrespected you and broken his vows.
    Do not stay with a man who"s cheating on you because you have a child or pregnant. Kids can sense when parents have a rocky relationship and later on your kids will ask you why you stayed or will have dysfunctional relationships. If you have a daugther she will allow a man to treat her that way and won't feel slef sufficient if she doesn't have a man in her life. Children learn their behaviors from their parents. Besides it's not 1920 you don't have to stay with a man who treat you poorly.It's his lost not yours

  2. I agree with you totally and he has another female pregnant while he's married, really don't understand how a man can get married if he's not ready. when you get married the vows should be sacred at least to me in this day and age its like ppl treat marriage like its a game. The heart is something that should not be played with.Also your right about children learning from the parents thats why i drill into my daughters head that you dont have to ever be with someone who doesn't love you, and im praying that when shes older she wont settle for less.

  3. if i cheated before i would take it to the grave. a man will always remember that and bring it up at one point or another in the future, but then expect u to forgive his indiscretions. as for the baby part, i always said if that happened to me i would divorce, but who knows until it happens?

  4. Right you never really know what your going to do until it happens to you. Your also right about men expecting to forgive them for what they have done but lord forbid you do it your every name but a child of god, so sad. I kinda think that by the female cheating that she was getting even in her own way but two wrongs dont make a right.

  5. H to the double hockey sticks no. What if that other woman is pregnant? Wait that means he had unprotected sex with another woman? Oh heck no...not acceptable.

  6. I'm stuck on the unprotected sex part. That just really tells me that he don't care anything about me because there's that thing called AIDS!!!. ok Girl, that's just not acceptable at all

  7. These men don't think with the right head!!! I hear all to many times bout how the men bring home all kinds of S%$&...to their wives and yes AIDS too because they not only don't have the heart NOT to cheat but then don't give a S&(* about ur heart, feelings and most importantly HEALTH. WOMEN need to really think about this. Im not trying to male bash but it is what it is, and to top it all off, there are some really TRIFLIN scallywags running round here..I have told my man IF YOU EVER CARED ANYTHING ABOUT ME, LEAVE ME before u cheat or u feel the urge to because if u feelin like that then the relationship ain't worth it.. Trust i know u r going to feel hurt,crying up all night all the drama that comes with it, BUT U ARE ALRIGHT. this too shall past!!!!!! GOD BLESS u sis and keep your head up.....(girl this post got me HOT right now, Im ready to go call his AZZ at work and give him my speech)..

  8. if my hubby cheated and may have a baby on the way, i would divorce his ass and if i cheated i will take it to the grave because i know i would here the end of it.

  9. I am a child created from cheating. I must say I was blessed with a father that owned up to his mistakes. A stepmother that forgave and treated me like her own. And a mother who tried to make a horrendous situation as drama-free as possible after the fact. I am not married but I have been cheated on. And I have cheated. Did I forgive. Yes. Did I expose mine. No. I don't plan to ever expose it. Who knows what will happen there, but I do plan to take it to my grave.

  10. Well, like it is said a "woman cannot do what a man do and still be a lady", so of course I wouldn't tell him I cheated on him. Well,if a guy cheated on me and also have a baby on the way, no, I wouldn't stay with him because once bitten twice shy. You can cheat of course because everyone does it, but as far as a baby that means it's much more serious than just a fling..

  11. exactly especially when a baby comes in the picture,you are seeing the outcome of the cheating everyday a constant reminder calling ur husband daddy..very sticky situation

  12. That depends on you personally and the history you have with that person. I can't forgive cheating when I know I'm doing all that I'm supposed to do... but if I've had my own "slip ups", how can I be the one to point the finger? Call it Karma... Also, NEVER, EVER tell on yourself... confess it to God, and move on... what he don't know, won't hurt him, so why tell him something that will hurt him??

  13. it's even harder being married to a cheater and a liar. Trust me, I know!
